
Communities of beneficial microbes optimized for regenerative agriculture


Accelerate the growth of healthy plant cuttings. Up to 64% faster growth after transplant vs. synthetic cloning gels.

Cannabis ·

Tomatoes ·

Roses ·

Corn ·

Wheat ·

and more


Accelerate plant breakdown 100X. Re-Gen turns plant “waste” into nutrient-rich soil safer and faster than chemicals.

Corn ·

Cannabis ·

Hops ·

Forage crops ·

Wheat ·

and more

Stephen Delaplain, Humble Growings.

Imio Root used on cannabis.

I had roots develop in 7-10 days, saw better root hardening and strong white roots compared to chemicals. I would most definitely recommend Root to anyone looking for a natural, effective rooting solution. Once they started growing they just blew up.

All natural. More powerful.

See real results from growers using IMIO.