Customer Stories

Bad Ass Mothers Farm





Farm Size

10 acres


June, 2022
Root result:

Easiest cloning of OG strain

Bad Ass Mothers Farm

When Maureen first used Imio Root to clone an OG strain she'd been growing in Humboldt for 12 years, she described it as "by far the easiest" compared to her extensive experience with other rooting products. She added "They also got really crappy care from me because I was gone… And they still pulled through like complete champions. Pretty amazing to me.”

'A Mother's Love in Every Bud'

Bad Ass Mothers Farm - A Mother's Love in Every Bud

Maureen grows her plants under the sun and stars in the native soil of Honeydew California, part of Humboldt County. She named her farm "Bad Ass Mothers" out of appreciation for her plants persevering through good times and bad.

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